Trump Says "We are Going to Take Back the White House" January 30 2022

President Trump held a Save America Rally in Conroe, Texas. And, while the news media is speculating about his candidacy plans for 2024, President Donald Trump made a strong statement in the Houston suburbs that some are calling a hint. 

"And in 2024, we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white, that is so magnificent, and that we all love. We are going to take back the White House."

45th Soon to be 47th? That's NOT What God Said

Two state leaders, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller are both clear that they want the president to run in 2024. Miller who was one of the first statewide officials to endorse the president said republicans should question "who the real patriots are."

“I don’t know what’s happening in 2024, but I have a feeling if 45 wants to be 47, America will lift him up again." He introduced President Trump as the "45th and soon-to-be 47th president of the United States." A concern is this does not line up prophetically with what God is saying. God spoke through several pastors that President Trump would serve two consecutive terms.

God has also cautioned through prophets like Robin Bullock that the president has to be careful with his advisors and who is influencing his decision. God said for President Trump to move now, and that God would be with him. Prophet Robin Bullock also cautioned Americans to pray that Trump only has advisors that line up with God's Word for him and our nation.   

They torture your children with masks in school while they host parties packed with unmasked donors

Throughout the rally, the president's talking points included the lack of democratic leadership, Covid-19 and immigration. Slamming the lawless political establishment, he said...

"Lawless political establishments like this should not be allowed to continue. They send young Americans to fight and die for the borders of distant, foreign nations while they throw our borders open to illegal foreign invasion. We fight for other borders, but we don't fight for our own.

They torture your children with masks in school while they host parties packed with unmasked donors in New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. They restrict your freedom and lock you in your home while they abolish cash bail and release thousands of dangerous criminals, murderers. They release them from jail.

They drive up the price of energy for your family while they are shuttled around in limos and airplanes on American taxpayer dollars. They censor, cancel and persecute ordinary Americans for speaking the truth while they drown you in endless torment. I mean, what they do, they have an endless list of propaganda methods that nobody would believe, including hoaxes and demented lies. We had all of the hoaxes.

The American people are sick of this entire, rotten, and retched political class. Think about it. Other countries have a country. We have a country; all they do is try and destroy you...

They are fed up with politicians who rig and steal our elections and our wealth, squander our strength and spill our blood all over the world, and in many cases, for absolutely no reason by countries and for countries that don't even want us there and don't even like us and certainly don't respect us. In 2022, we are going to start by ending Nancy Pelosi's political career once and for all."

Maskless and Partying with Witches

One important aspect that the president said "they host parties packed with unmasked donors" might hint at the incident that happened during Barack Obama's birthday celebration this past summer.

What's alarming about the dems' maskless partying is the Martha's Vineyard party video and image that circulated online where Obama was seen at a party with Erykah Badu (in the left image above). While she's the one who shared the video, what's troubling is she reportedly said in 2016 before the Soul Train music awards "I am a witch." 

Badu sent an apology for posting the Instagram video online which clearly showed the former president dancing maskless, and the video was later removed. However, exposing witchcraft and the demonic aren't the only agendas ahead.

Fix 2020 and Be Ready to Launch in February

Speaking at the rally, state party chair, Matt Rinaldi, hailed President Trump's influence.

"The Republican Party of Texas now is no longer that weak and compromising party. We are the bold party of Donald Trump and will stay that way." During his speech, crowds chanted, "Fix 2020." Patrick added, "Well, we all know who won in 2020."

Referring to the deadly Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot, Trump spoke to those who faced criminal charges. 

“If I run and I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly, and if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons." So, is President Trump hinting at a 2024 presidential run? Or, is he saying that now but secretly about to make an announcement about his reinstatement? We don't know.

What we do know is that God said to pray for President Trump and his family and for Mike Pence and his family. On January 26, in the prophetic, God spoke for about 30-minutes about President Trump.

The Lord also said that He's coming to remove the mark of the beast and when God moves the witches and demons will flee. Please see the same link above and refer to what God said on Day 17 and Day 18. It's a reminder that as God said through Pastor Mike Thompson, "Be ready to launch in February." And, God gave a powerful scripture for this post, "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder," Mark 10:9